Welcome to Elmbank Coaching

Hello, and welcome to Elmbank Coaching Ltd.  My name is Doug Montgomery,

I am an accredited Executive Coach and Coach Supervisor and the owner of Elmbank Coaching Ltd., whose purpose is to support the growth and development of others through coaching and super-vision.

At the heart of my work is the belief that everyone has amazing potential. When we are not operating at our best, it's often because there is some form of interference getting in the way.  That interference is often created by the stories we tell ourselves and the assumptions we make about ourselves, others and the world around us.  I believe that for most of us, coaching and supervision can help us to understand ourselves more deeply, change our stories and assumptions and reduce that interference to allow more of our potential to be realised.      

Leading directly from my belief in realising potential, I set up Elmbank Coaching to offer coaching and super-vision services  

Specifically I offer :

   Executive and Personal Coaching.

   Coach Super-Vision  

   Pause & Reflection for Leaders

   Super-Vision to leaders and other professionals


 Find out more?

Find out more about me and how coaching could help you, by exploring the site further.

Contact me to find out how we can work together to realise more of your potential.  I look forward to hearing from you.